Kharma Nex Default replied

585 weeks ago

Am I the only person who posts on these forums or checks them?

Lets start a topic so that we can all get to know each other better…

1. Age
2. Sex
3. Location (general area if your not comfortable sharing)
4. Favorite MMO of all time and why
5. Least favorite MMO of all time and why
6. First car ever owned :)

Think thats a good start…

Kharma Nex Default replied

585 weeks ago

1. Age 29
2. Sex Male
3. Location (general area if your not comfortable sharing) Lodi, CA
4. Favorite MMO of all time and why Lineage 2 before bots took over. Storyline was massive
5. Least favorite MMO of all time and why WoW…it was too cartoonish for my liking
6. First car ever owned 1991 Mazda 323 named the EGG

Ryuko Kanzeon Admin replied

585 weeks ago

1. Age: 25
2. Sex: Female, or AM I?
3. Location (general area if your not comfortable sharing): Long Island, NY
4. Favorite MMO of all time and why: FFXI. It was my first MMO and I met a LOT of very close friends on there. The gameplay itself wasn't anything to write home about, but the friendships formed are irreplaceable. I have a lot of memories from that game.
5. Least favorite MMO of all time and why: ESO (if you count the beta) or LotRO. I tried to get into LotRO because Nick wanted me to play it… but I just didn't like it. I also don't really like WoW much, but I loved PvPing in WoW.
6. First car ever owned: Not counting the 'hand me down' volvo that I was given after I learned how to drive, the first car I 'owned' is my 2012 VW Jetta. It's toffee brown with beige/black interior… It's such a weird color combo that I am sure someone custom ordered it and then changed their mind. lol

last edited 585 weeks ago by Ryuko Kanzeon

Vor An replied

585 weeks ago

1. 32 (Boom! I'm an adult suckers)
2. Manchild
3. Saugerties, NY
4. FFXI, for many of the reasons Ryuko stated. I still stay in contact with many of the people I played with. Also the sense of achievement you felt from that game because things took and ungodly amount of time. 36 tries for my soboro on SAM, probably 200+ hours getting my Mary's horn, etc etc.
5. Well I'm not exactly an MMO player. I've only played this and XI, so I guess that makes XIV my least favorite. Reasons: Ryuko.
6. 1987 silver VW Jetta GLI…I loved that car.
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