There is no official application process for our Free Company. While we do not shout recruit or actively pursue new members, we will always welcome like-minded people, no matter what your level of experience, skill or commitment to the game! Here's a little bit of information about us so that you know if we are a 'good fit':

1) We are very close-knit and somewhat small. We spend a lot of time chatting and getting to know each other, both in the game and outside of the game. The FC is purposefully kept small to avoid the problems large FCs inevitably run into. It is our aim for people to actually KNOW everyone in the FC, rather than play with strangers.
2) We plan events that require more organization than normal, such as Coil, Primals, and FC fund-raising… but we also run 'unofficial' events such as dungeons for people who need them, and other instances. You are never required to come to an event, whether you are on the game or off… but most of our members willingly choose to come to an event and help out. (This is the type of attitude I like! But, RL comes first of course, and no one will ever hold it against you if you 'just aren't feeling it' one night.)
3) We have an LS for people who like to play with our group of people but already have a FC they are happy with. However, FC members will get priority if a group is forming up, as loyalty is important.
4) We have no official time zone, and there are usually people on at all hours of the day… however, our most active time seems to be during the evening and after midnight (EST).
5) We do not tolerate bad attitudes, whether it involves FC members or people outside of the FC. Wearing our FC tag means you should act with dignity. Don't curse at people, put them down, etc. To give you an example… I recently kicked someone out of the LS because he was openly bragging about needing on an item in a greed party, and how he didn't care because he didn't know the people and would probably never see them again.
6) We work together to accomplish very hard tasks, such as eventually having a FC house. We plan events for FC fundraising that do not cost the people who attend any money – just some time. We believe we should all work together to build a FC house rather than have some of the richer members dump money into it.
7) We welcome every level of experience and skill. If you would like to tackle the harder content, we will be happy to teach you… but please be able to take constructive criticism! No one in the FC is ever going to be rude about your lack of knowledge regarding a new fight. We've all been there. :)
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